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重阳节英文介绍带翻译简短 习俗介绍

2022-09-22 11:44:44文/苏思楠


重阳节英文介绍带翻译简短 习俗介绍


Double Ninth Festival, New Year's Eve, Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and half of July are all traditional Chinese festivals. Ancestor worship is a major theme of the main festivals.

Ancient China belongs to the farming society and agricultural civilization, which is a form of civilization that attaches great importance to the experience of ancestors.

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has had the concept of etiquette and custom of respecting ancestors and following their ancestors cautiously, and the custom of sacrificing ancestors on holidays to show filial piety and never forget the root.




There are many customs in the Double Ninth Festival. To celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, people usually go sightseeing, climb high to look into the distance, watch chrysanthemums, pick Chinese herbs, hold a dinner for the elderly, and drink chrysanthemum wine.

In the golden autumn of September, the sky is high and the air is cool. Climbing high in this season can achieve the goal of being relaxed, happy, healthy and disease free. The Double Ninth Festival has many folk activities and rich cultural connotations.




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